Multi-Day CPD Events

Our multi-day Studio Events are CPD (Continual Professional Development) events that are open to professional counsellors and students who are in training at Diploma level.

Continual or continuing professional development refers to the process of tracking and documenting skills, knowledge and experience that you gain both formally and informally as you work. Learning beyond your initial training.

Keeping a record of what you experience, learn, and apply in your development as a professional demonstrates your commitment to your work.

Please note:

  • Our maximum number of participants is generally 12 per studio event.
  • Bookings must be made at least two weeks prior to the start date as cancellation will be decided at that time.
  • Places are not secured without payment.
  • Refunds for studio events cancelled by Dunamis will be made in full.
  • Participant cancellation will be paid in full if cancellation is made at least two weeks before the studio day.
  • Book early to avoid disappointment.

TA101 – An Introduction to Transactional Analysis WITH CAROLE STILWELL

The Course 

This course is aimed at you if you would like to understand yourself, others and your relationships better or improve your communication. 

The TA101 is a two day, internationally recognised introduction to transactional analysis course. It is useful for all those in the helping professions, and will give you a set of tools that can be used in a wide range of contexts, both personal and professional. 

The two day course is fun and creative, comprising a mixture of learning, personal reflection and small group work which helps create new ideas and perspectives. 

The course is recognised by ITAA (International Transactional Analysis Association) and EATA (European Association for Transactional Analysis) and gives you a TA101 certificate.

Course Content 

  • Ego States – how come I sometimes feel like I’m a child again? or act like my Mum or Dad?
  • Psychological Games – how come I can feel there’s going to be a bad ending to this?
  • Life Scripts – how come I keep on repeating the same old patterns?
  • Transactions – what is happening in this conversation?
  • Autonomy – this way of relating feels positive and authentic!

Please download, complete and return the event booking form. We require dietary needs information and acceptance of the event terms and conditions.

  • 12/10/24 0930-1630 and
  • 26/10/24 0930-1630
Course Cost: £170.00
Venue: 12 April Court, Sybron Way, Crowborough, TN6 3DZ

Presenter: Carole Stilwell is a TA psychotherapist CTA(P) MBACP(Accred.),UKCP Reg’d, and an endorsed trainer and supervisor PTSTA(P) who lives in East Sussex. She started TA training in 2004 and has delivered training at various local TA training institutes. She now works principally in private practice and is keen to share her enthusiasm for TA with you.

The Youth of Today – Children and Young People Studios

An introduction to working with teenagers (11-18 years). These studio evenings are designed to enrich your counselling training to support your work with teenagers. The course is in line with the BACP competencies for working with this group of clients. Read More and book your place.

Come Fly With Me – Certificate in Couples Work

Do you feel that you would like to work with couples but aren’t sure how to deal with the differences between couples work and individual counselling? Or that you really need some more resources for your couples practice? If so, these studio days are for you.

We will look at the differences between working with couples and individuals; The pitfalls and risks, as well as providing new resource materials for you to use to enliven your work with couples.

Dates:  Find out more and book here

Cost: £650

Price includes sandwich lunch, letter of attendance for completion of part one and a certificate in couples work for attending both parts.

Please download, complete and return the event booking form. We require dietary needs information and acceptance of the event terms and conditions.

Presenter:  Paul Lewis – Paul has over 8 years of professional training and experience working in various fields including alcohol and addiction issues, depression and anxiety, and sexual health and identity issues. BACP (accred)