Other Resources

Therapists, courses and links you might find useful

Other Resources

As important as the relationship is between client and therapist, we believe the same for the relationship between student and tutor.

With this in mind we recognise that our courses many not suit everyone or cover the information and types of therapy that interests you the most.

Below are lists of local therapists, courses and resources that you might find helpful in your work and studies. We are not in a position to recommend any of these resources as we do not have first hand experience of them all and because our experience of them will be different to yours. They are here purely for your reference.


Jo Eaton Brown – is an Integrative Counsellor and a member of the BACP. Jo provides online and outdoor therapy for both young people and adults.

Emily Hammond – is a Nutritional Therapist helping you to look after your health and well-being. Emily works out of our Dunamis offices, 12 April Court.

Sue Parker – works with Adults children and couples. She is also a qualified supervisor of counsellors.

Bradley Riddell – is a qualified counsellor who specialises in helping people who suffer from addictions. Bradley works in private practice in Brighton and Maidstone.

Oenone Thomas – Child and adolescent psychotherapist working in private practice in Penshurst and Tunbridge Wells.

Sally Valentine – has been in Practise for 25 years and is a BACP Accredited Counsellor, supervisor and a trainer. Sally has extensive training in Trauma and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

Dunamis Therapy Hub, Counselling College, Crowborough
We have moved.
Find us at:
12 April Court
Sybron Way