Counselling Diploma

in Humanistic Creative Counselling

Now recruiting for the Diploma starting Septemebr 2025

Counselling Diploma

Dunamis Therapy Hub, based in Crowborough, East Sussex, offers an exciting bacp accredited Diploma in Humanistic Creative Counselling.  Our in depth counselling diploma course will aid your personal development and take your therapy skills to the next level.

The next course will be commencing September 2025. Ideal for those who have completed a sixty hour certificate course and now want to take the next step towards a career as a counsellor.

Prior to undertaking our diploma course, students will need to download and read our Pre-Course Information and Application document. 

Want to Find Out More About Our Diploma Course?

Why not book onto one of our next “Come and See” Days
10am till 12pm
Saturday 15 February 2025 | Saturday 29 March 2025

Use the contact form to let us know you want to “come and see” and to get the details.

Please be aware that we are now interviewing for places on our Diploma course September 2025
Places are already booking up so please contact as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.


How do I become a therapist?

There are a number of steps on the journey to becoming a qualified and accredited counsellor. If you are considering undertaking a diploma in counselling then you should have already completed a 60 hour certificate course in counselling skills. If you haven’t yet done this then you can find out more about our certificate course here – counselling certificate.

By studying with Dunamis for your diploma you will undertake humanistic creative therapeutic learning. You will train in Person Centered Therapy, Gestalt Therapy and learn about creative therapies and existential approaches. Learning how to select and use the appropriate counselling therapies to support people with their issues.

You can find out more about how to become a counsellor/therapist here – how do I become a counsellor?

There are many careers available where counselling qualifications are valuable or essential. You may want to work in private practice, social work, become an education therapist, or a bereavement counsellor. Perhaps becoming a family counsellor is your dream or a rehabilitation therapist is more for you? There is more information about some of these counselling career opportunities on this page.

Admission requirements:

Who is this course for and do I need an undergraduate degree to become a counsellor?

This course is for:

  • Anyone who wishes to become a Fully Qualified Counsellor.
  • Those that are already within the field of Counselling & wish to update their skills.
  • Those that are already a therapist and wish to add Counselling to the existing skills

Academic Requirements

  • You do not need a degree to study to be a counsellor/psychotherapist.
  • You will need a good level of English and numeracy and be able to understand and clearly communicate in English. This course is only taught in English so there is an English language requirement.
  • International students are welcome.
  • You will need to pass a pre-course interview before being accepted onto the course. Interviews for Sept 2025 intake commence 4th March 2025. Please contact us if you are considering our course and would like to arrange an interview.

Interviewing Now.

Please get in touch if you would like to interview for the Diploma course starting September 2025

Sara, one of our tutors, tells you more about our counselling diploma course

Course Content Summary

Course Costs / Tuition Fees

  • £10,050 (inc VAT) – This includes a minimum of 450 hours training including a residential weekend in the second year.

Additional costs

  • Personal therapy 40 weeks a year with an experienced integrative therapist who integrates at least one of our core models. Sessions need to be in person. Personal therapy hours do not count towards the course requirements until you commence the taught part of the course.
  • Supervision costs
  • Library deposit
  • Oral exam fee
  • Travel costs
  • bacp student membership


  • A joint research project
  • 3 essays
  • A journal of the week’s session and student’s thoughts
  • Weekly online learning checks
  • A community involvement project (click link for example)
  • 100 placement hours
  • Case study of a taped client for twelve sessions
  • Self-directed study: Hours will vary but approximately 4 hours per week is suggested (this does not include placement hours)

Professional experience  Placements

  • Dunamis offers help with finding placements though it is the student’s responsibility to find their placement.
  • Students will usually be signed off as ready to find a placement towards the end of term 2 (into term 3) having met the following criteria:
  • Competent skills
  • Understanding contracts
  • Have knowledge of the ethical frame work
  • Understanding endings
  • Working in an agency (at least 6 months skills practice with peers)

Student skills

Students professional practice, and communication skills will be regularly observed by tutors and feedback given. Placement hours may continue after the end of the taught part of the course. Students are allowed two years from completion of the course to apply and complete their final Dunamis exam.

Final exams

The exam is a remotely viewed video of live practice, with a role-playing client, followed by supervision on the work. The examining panel will evaluate the work when all of the criteria for the Diploma has been completed.

We will support students with a termly tutorial until their Oral exam.

Course Structure

Welcome to Secure Base – Term 1

Term one secures your understanding of the three core modalities – Person Centred – a theory to create the climate to help others, Gestalt – a theory that enables creative ways of working, and Existential – approaches that considers the questions of life.

Here you begin to learn the basics, sessions 1-12, including orientating you to the course, developing practical skills, and the administration requirements to ensure you are well equipped for the climb.

Acclimatise – Term 2

Now out on the lower slopes we get a feel for how theories are roped together as an integrated whole. Session 13 – 24 weave together the Historical Context and thoughts about Human Development, Feelings, Concerns of Death and Loss, Attachment, Creativity, Client assessment including CORE, Ethics, OPT, Symbolism and Metaphor and Group review.

Dig Deep – Term 3

The climb gets a little tougher now. So we need to dig deep into the terrain of our own emotional resilience to keep our foot hold, as we consider the impact of Relationships (Including Co-Dependency), Couples Families, Abuse, Assessment, Research, Suicide and Self Harm, Anxiety and Depression.

Learning to use Supervision well and understanding helping ourselves through Body Work, and ending with Love, makes these heights well worth the climb.

Summit – Term 4

You have arrived at the top of the mountain.

Your skills are being integrated into the counsellor you are on the brink of becoming. So we spend some time considering who that person now is. We do this by looking at Sexuality Gender, Difference & Diversity, Disability, DSM and Meds, Egan and Case Study, Trauma, Psychodynamic Transference, Creativity Self Directed Study, and your Spirit and Soul.

Respect – Term 5

Respect! Respect of the mountain i.e the profession and respect of yourself!

You made it ‘Made it ma, top of the world!’ – James Cagney – White heat

So, now we consider Endings, Group Process Assessment, Self-care and Professionalism, the Final Push, Love and Forgiveness, Creativity, Other Ways Up the Mountain, Narcissism and Shadow, Private Practise, Manifestations of trauma, Look How Far You Have Come, and then the Last Day. But not your last day with us, we hope, as we want to see you again. At CPD studio days, our networking club – Personography, and of course at that little matter of the exam!

Counselling Diploma in Humanistic Creative Counselling

Our course is taught over 5 terms and will teach you about Person Centered, Gestalt and Existential approaches whilst covering a wide range of topics.

After each lesson you will have an online learning check to complete in order to check your understanding and progress.

 What’s on offer?

  • A diploma in counselling
  • An innovative programme
  • 5 term course
  • Supportive and experienced tutors
  • Online learning checks
  • Competitive pricing

Five Terms

Term dates (Every Wednesday or Thursday):

  • Term 1 (year one) and term 4 (year two) starts Wednesday 24 September & Thursday 25 September 2025 -Term ends 10 & 11 December
  • Term 2 (year one) and term 5 (year two) start Wednesday 7 & Thursday 8 of January 2026 – Term ends 25 & 26 of March 2026
  • Term 3 (year one) Starts 22 & 23 April 2026 – Term ends Wednesday 8 & Thursday 9 July 2026
Residential Courses:
Second year (only) 18 and 19 October 2025
Experiential Saturday for the whole college is – March 14, 2026


Diploma Students at the Ashdown Park Hotel – Where we held our residential weekend away. 2024’s venue will be the East Sussex National Hotel, Uckfield, TN22 5ES

Our residential weekend takes place in the second year of our course. They provide a great opportunity for students to reflect on their professional practice and deepen their knowledge.

Diploma Price / Tuition Fees

£10,050 inc VAT

All students need to pass a pre-course interview before being accepted onto the course. The interview is informal and will last approximately an hour. There is a group work element and an individual element. The purpose of the interview is to ensure that you are ready for the course and will get the best out of it.
If you wish to be invited for an interview please download, print, complete and return the following application forms – download form

Once accepted onto the course we require a £1,975 deposit followed by the first payment of £6,100 a month prior to the course start.

The final payment of £1,975 is to be made prior to the start of Term 4.

Additional Fees

Our fees:
Oral exam – £150 including VAT
Library deposit – £20 (refundable)

External fees:
bacp Student Membership Fee – £86
Supervision – fees vary
Personal Therapy – fees vary (40 sessions per academic year required).

For more information about payment or to discuss payment options then please contact us.



Monthly Payments (for students wishing to pay part one in ten monthly installments – Monthly Fee is £546.57 which includes small payment processing fee)


The Diploma in Creative Humanistic Therapy is now an accredited bacp.

On successful completion of the course, students will be invited by the bacp to join the register.

About Dunamis

Dunamis Therapy Hub offers a humanistic creative therapeutic diploma in counselling, studio events for continual professional development and therapeutic groups. Our groups cover issues such as depression, anxiety and the challenges of parenting.

Based in Crowborough, East Sussex, we are passionate about writing, philosophical thinking, spiritual connections, creativity, imagination and research.

What the bacp had to say

Summary of the In-Person Visit – 14 February 2024

The course was a delight to visit, and the assessors would like to formally thank all the staff and students for giving their time and full engagement with the assessors.

The students were consistent in the positive feedback they gave about the course, from the ‘brilliant’ tutors to the life-changing journeys of self-discovery they had been on whilst being at Dunamis. The tutors’ ability to help the students to integrate theory and practice was noted, as was the good quality of feedback from the tutors, a helpful blend of challenge and support.

The role of the External Examiner was also appreciated. The assessors would like to acknowledge, in particular, the creative skills session which we observed with its interesting mix of ‘curved balls’ and ethical dilemmas.

In our meeting with the tutors, their passion for teaching the course was clear. We had a real sense of the quality of the training being their priority and that they have been able to create a lively, authentic, nurturing and rigorous learning environment.

A group of people undertaking a community project as part of their counselling diploma at Dunamis Therapy Hub

The students were consistent in the positive feedback they gave about the course, from the ‘brilliant’ tutors to the life-changing journeys of self-discovery they had been on whilst being at Dunamis.