Types of Therapy
and what we teach
Types of therapy
There are numerous counselling theories that underpin different types of therapy. All counselling courses should list their theoretical approach in advance. Here at Dunamis we teach Humanistic Creative Counselling, a mixture of Person Centred Therapy, Gestalt Therapy, Creative Therapies and explore Existential ideas.
What is Gestalt Therapy?
There is no exact translation of the word ‘Gestalt’ in English. The nearest explanation is “whole or pattern or form”.
Fritz Perls was the main developer of Gestalt therapy in the 1940’s
Gestalt Therapy is an Existential / phenomenological approach. Meaning that each person’s perception and interpretation of the world is unique. Personal responsibility and authenticity are the bedrock to the work.
Gestalt therapy is a Humanistic Therapy. It considers that humans have an innate drive to develop and reach their full potential.
Gestalt therapy works in the “here and now” focusing on the clients’ experience in the present moment. Raising the client’s awareness to new possibilities and then therefore, for change. Without awareness change is not possible.
The gestalt approach is creative and /or experimental approach. A therapist may use many techniques such as dream work, working with metaphor and symbolism, chair work, and visualization.
What is Person Centred Therapy?
This approach is derived from the work of psychologist Carl Rogers.
Person centred is non directive. Rogers believed in the innate tendency of human beings to strive towards their potential. It was thought that if certain conditions were maintained then the possibility for change and growth were released,this may be achieved when the client is in relationship with a counsellor who is deeply understanding (empathic), accepting (having unconditional positive regard) and genuine (congruent).
We are invited to be open to experience, to trust and be trusted, be curious about our world and about ourselves, and as such to be creative and compassionate.
What is Existentialism?
The goal of existential therapy is not one of cure or to change people but to support the individual to take responsibility for their own lives
Existential counsellors approach the client with respect for their phenomenological experience and act as naive, curious enquirers.